My Motivation

Don’t give be the biggest integration Loser – be an Integration Survivor

Get Out of Integration Limbo

Over the years I have watched so many people give up before they were truly integrated, living among fellow countrymen but not their Swiss neighbors. Why?  Is it because the integration process is frustrating, humiliating, embarrassing or downright difficult?  Ok, maybe a tiny bit of apprehension is allowed.  Were they missing a safety net to catch them before they crashed? 

Living in a rural area brings its own set of challenges. Finding a job in your mother-tongue is pretty tough. These are all pretty good reasons to give up – but if you do, you will be in Integration Limbo – you live here but will never really belong.

Do you want to be the survivor or the biggest loser? There are two solutions. One, you high tail it out of here and head home.  Or you choose option number two and start your real life integration adventure today. Be the survivor.

I want to help you, let Antebellum Swiss be your support system. Let’s try and make sense out this “Weil es so ist” (That’s just the way it is) culture. I hope that the stories of overcoming, “tips on what to do”, “what not to do”, “where to go” and “what to do”, guide you, pick you up when you fall, make you laugh and motivate you to dig into the life here. 

I encourage you to get dirty, put down roots and before long you too will bloom where you are planted.  Then not only will you live here, but you will have made it your home