
Unexpected OP - AGAIN

Sorry it has been so long. I had an unexpected surgery on my foot the first week of July and have been recovering. What didn't I expect?

Hi everybody.
Sorry it has been so long.  I had an unexpected surgery on my foot the first week of July and have been recovering. I anticipated using my elevated leg as a personal desk, typing away the entire day. I’m not sure why it was so difficult to write, was it the pills that left me in “LaLa Land” or the fact that my elevated leg was shoulder high. Anyway, I am back – ugly shoe and all.

I hope you are enjoying the Swiss summer. What better way to cool off and enjoy the last rays of summer than splashing about in a cool mountain lake in East Switzerland or Graubünden?  On Wednesday, I will introduce you to my favorites in Top 10 Mountain Lakes.  Next week I invite to read about more of my misadventures in Summer Firsts.

Until then,



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