Out and About - Werdenberger Schlossnachtnachtmarkt
Do you have plans this weekend? I received this invitation that sounds like fun. Browse the crafts by moonshine at the Castle Werdenberg.
Discover the smallest city in Switzerland and the world. But will it be the most beautiful in Switzerland?
Werdenberger and Liechteinstein VIP's Favorite Restaurant
Where can you eat the best and the biggest Wiener schnitzel?
Tegia Mietz
Huts dot the mountain landscapes across rural Switzerland. Some are filled with hay, others are filled with surprises. Tegia Miez surprised me.
Winter Tops und Flops
I want to apologise for my absence. I had a double dose of fever. I had fever with the flu for two weeks and I got a bad case of ski-fever. It is truly amazing, after all that I have been through, that I even want to ski.