Spargel Ziit - Asparagus Season in Werdenberg and the Rhine Valley
Why are asparagus so expensive? Join me as I "stab" asparagus in the Wartau fields of Anita and Hans Gabathuler-Reich.
Why are asparagus so expensive? Join me as I "stab" asparagus in the Wartau fields of Anita and Hans Gabathuler-Reich.
"Dekoriert" - Even I know what that means - "Decorated". Maybe I didn't comprehend the entire meaning as my next blooper will Show.
I have lived here for 30 years and I am still learning about this cultural fascination (bordering on fanaticism) with Fastnacht. I don’t know when it starts or finishes. Somebody moves the dates every year!
The Swiss and their Finken (house shoes). A foreign concept. Let me shine a light on our confusion.